Sometimes shopping for a guy can be a bit difficult. If he's anything like my fiancé it's going to be the most challenging. He never asks for a lot (or anything at all) and when he needs something throughout the year he just gets if for himself. He has a hard time making a Christmas list and when Christmas is over he thinks about things he wishes he had asked for. So on my behalf I have to get creative and think of things that he has mentioned before but maybe isn't something he would get himself OR things he might not even knew he needed! So if you're interested in my holiday gift guide for him, keep on reading!
Shave kit
Subscribe him to a shave plan and get them delivered to your door for less than $2 a blade. you can also get the razors engraved!
What’s everyones (or maybe just ours) favorite part about staying in hotels? THE ROBES! I recently got a new robe that I love and use mostly to lounge around in during the mornings or weekends. Recently Ryan has been commenting on how cozy it looks and how he should get one too! Every man in your life needs a comfy robe to lounge around in on the weekends, its like a blanket that you can take EVERYWHERE with you!
I thought house shoes would be a great gift to go with the robe and a great idea if your guy goes outside to barbecue.
A watch
there are so many different kinds but my fiancé used to be a diesel mechanic for caterpillar, now that he’s an office guy he can wear a watch! I found these automatic watches that show the gears, since he loves all things mechanics I thought it would be the perfect fit!
I got him the navy one last year and he LOVES it!
They have more dressy watches or more sporty watches just think about what would best fit him.

bluetooth speakers (waterproof and shockproof)
This year we got a gym membership again and I constantly see him messing with headphone cords and thought bluetooth headphones would be perfect!
OR if they are an apple user
Every guy can use new sneakers am I right?!
We will forever love Nike <3
A Portable Charger! I can't tell you how often these come in handy in our house.

Drinkware and you can add a personal touch with initials.
Hope you enjoyed this post and stay tuned for my holiday gift guide for HER going up tomorrow!
I hope you guys are having so much fun getting ready for christmas and new years, the thing to remember is to keep it fun and don't let it stress you out. Remember this is the time of year to love and give and I know some years it's harder to give than you would like. A lot of families are tight with money and it's hard when you want to give in abundance and your bank account won't let you. Remember there are so many other things that money can't buy. Like quality time , love, and spreading joy and light. Sometimes going out on a little christmas adventure is more fun than presents, or dancing around listening to christmas music and baking cheap cookies is better. It's the laughs that you will remember for a lifetime. I know looking back my parents did everything to give me everything they could, they worked endless hours and went into debt to make sure I didn't feel left out. Looking back now that I'm an adult I remember the fun silly times we had together as a family over any of the gifts. Remember what the holidays are REALLY supposed to be about. Love you all and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!